Blood groups and diet - part 3

Blood groups and diet - part 3

So, in the past 2 parts, we have talked of how 40,000 years ago, the first men, having large herds of animals available, inevitably became skilled hunters. The game was not lacking and therefore it was not necessary to look for other sources of sustenance until the period of the great migrations: about 30,000 years ago, the men, more and more numerous, began to settle in areas of the earth less generous in terms of game and they had, as As a result, learning to alternate hunting with fishing and picking berries, nuts, and roots, gradually becoming omnivorous.
 GROUP o: the hunter - and its nutrition

 The proliferation of the human species in these conditions was the result of the sum of the use of the intellect, however primitive, and of the remarkable physical resistance. The latter was guaranteed by the characteristics of the only blood type present, group O, which was able to support the digestion of large amounts of animal proteins and was particularly active against micro-organisms coming from food (this man did not have to defend himself from infections transmitted by similar in that it lived alone or, at most, in small groups. He was also a man accustomed to great physical efforts, necessary to carry out exhausting hunting trips. 

These characteristics are found today in members of group O, characterized by a robust digestive system and an immune system that is particularly active against food-borne infections, but weak against viral infections. Their immune system also sins of fragility in the face of radical dietary changes, favoring the onset of allergies and autoimmune diseases. Those who suffer from food intolerances could largely solve the problem by avoiding wheat-based foods, as gluten lectins cause a strong immune reaction in group O members.

 Physical activity is fundamental for the heirs of the first hunters: their muscles are structured for rapid and massive use of energy but the changed conditions of modern life do not allow these people to burn a large number of calories if not through intense sporting activity. Given the characteristics of their predecessors, the recommended sports are those that require strength, endurance, and skill, such as athletics, tennis, wrestling and cross-country skiing.

 Group O (ie without any antigen on the red blood cell membrane) prefers a diet rich in animal protein and an intense physical activity program. Its digestive system belongs to the most ancient genetic thread: the primitive hunter and predator. 

It is able to tolerate a slight state of ketosis well, that is an alteration of the metabolism in which a certain amount of proteins and fats can be demolished only up to a certain limit, beyond which substances called ketone bodies are formed: these last, if in the other groups they produce liver function disorders, in group o, within certain degrees, they can be used by the brain and heart as alternative energy to glucose.

 Subject o is therefore available for a diet rich in meat, although it will still have to limit its consumption to those that are lean-to not charge itself with saturated fats and alter the wall of the arteries.

 It does not tolerate dairy products and cereals, to which its digestive system has not yet completely adapted.

Weight loss for group o

 Type o must limit the consumption of cereals and legumes. The major cause of its weight gain is gluten contained in wheat germ and, more generally, in wheat-based products. Gluten lectins inhibit insulin activity and prevent the body from using calories for energy purposes. Even the lectins contained in certain legumes, such as Spanish beans and lentils, have a strong affinity for muscle tissue, making it alkaline and therefore less suitable for storing energy. People of type o, in fact, if they manage to keep their muscles in a slight state of acidity they keep the line because only in that way will they quickly burn the calories introduced with food. Another element common to group o is a sluggish thyroid that fails to produce the number of hormones needed to make the metabolic processes work at full speed. Carbonated drinks should also be avoided.

 They determine weight gain 

Wheat and maize gluten because they interfere with the efficiency of insulin and slow down the metabolism. Spanish beans, white beans, lentils - alter the use of calories. Cauliflower, white and red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, mustard - inhibit thyroid function.

 Particular foods for group o

 Seaweed, fish and seafood, iodized salt because they contain iodine for thyroid function. The liver for vitamin B content activates metabolism. Red meat, cabbage, spinach, broccoli because they activate the metabolism.

 Meat and poultry The organism of group O have a great need for animal proteins (but watch out for the portions: not more than 180g per meal). It digests and assimilates the meat well because the stomach produces a good amount of hydrochloric acid and hormones that preside over gastric digestion. However, it is good to balance the intake of protein with sufficient amounts of vegetables and fruit, otherwise, the gastric juices would become excessively acidic and therefore harmful to the wall of the stomach and duodenum.

 Prefer lamb, beef, veal Indifferent duck, rabbit, chicken, quail, turkey To avoid pork, goose, cold cuts in general
 Fish, shellfish, and seafood It is another excellent source of animal protein. Fish coming from cold waters, such as mackerel, cod, and herring contain, as is now known, fats that thin the blood because they reduce platelet aggregation and thrombus formation. They are also rich in iodine and therefore suitable for stimulating the sluggish thyroid of group O.

 To avoid pickled herring, octopus, caviar, smoked salmon

 Milk, dairy products and eggs Their consumption must be drastically limited because group o fails to subject them to adequate metabolism. This is not the most known food allergy since it is not caused by digestive problems but by a reaction of the entire immune system that produces specific antibodies against milk and derivatives. Instead, it is a food intolerance that involves only the digestive system, favoring less massive disorders.

 You can also eat 4 or 5 eggs a week but only small amounts of dairy products.

 Indifferent butter, milk flakes, goat cheese, milk and soy cheeses, mozzarella Avoid all other cheeses including yogurt.

 Oils and fats 
 Only peanut and corn oil should be avoided. 
• Seeds and nuts are a good source of protein. 
• Only peanuts and pistachios should be avoided. 

Legumes Type O subjects are unable to adequately metabolize certain types of legumes; all this involves reducing the acidity and functionality of their muscle tissue. Green beans with the eye are preferred Indifferent chickpeas, cannellini beans, red beans, broad beans, peas, green beans Avoid white and Spanish beans, lentils.

 Cereals Group o does not tolerate wheat-based products at all, since they contain some lectins that react with both the blood components and the digestive system, interfering with proper absorption. Wheat is primarily responsible for the weight gain of group O subjects. Couscous should also be avoided. Only the rice flour, spelled, buckwheat, puffed millet, barley and puffed and polished rice, rye soy bread and gluten-free bread, barley and rye flour (but not the Rye bread).

 Vegetables They play an important role in the diet of group O but not all. To avoid some Brassicaceae such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and mustard because they can inhibit the thyroid; some solanaceous such as eggplant and potato, because they can cause joint disorders because their lectins tend to settle at the level of the joints. Corn tends to favor obesity and diabetes by interfering with insulin activity.

 Fresh fruit The variety of beneficial fruit for group o is very high. Preferred are dried and fresh prunes and figs because they tend to lower the acidity of the digestive tract avoiding group o, which tends to hyperacidity, to form gastritis and ulcers. Even the melon is alkaline but it is good to consume it in moderation because it contains microscopic fungi that are not well tolerated in group O. To avoid (or moderate) oranges, mandarins, and strawberries, coconut, avocado because they are very acidic. Grapefruit is also acid but can be consumed in moderation because during the digestive process it behaves like an alkaline product.

 The spices By choosing the right spices it is possible to increase the efficiency of the digestive and immune systems. Prefer parsley, cayenne pepper and curry because they stimulate the circulation of the digestive tract. Algae are a source of fucose, which protects the stomach; they also stimulate metabolism contributing to weight loss. Avoid white and black pepper and vinegar because they irritate the gastric wall.
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