Blood groups and diet - part 2

Blood groups and diet - part 2

The human race's history is marked by the struggle for survival, or rather by the ability of man to adapt to the environment in which he found himself living and to the diet that he was forced to follow. Ultimately, the real driving force of evolution was the food and migration that followed to find it.

 Probably the prehistory of man began in Africa. The life of our ancestors was short, hard and rough. They fed on wild plants, larvae and the carcasses of animals killed by other predators. In fact, they were more than predators prey on germs and parasites responsible for terrible infections (many of the parasites and microorganisms found in Africa do not activate the immune system responses, therefore they do not produce antibody formation, probably because the first men with group blood o already had antibodies with a protective effect at birth).

 When our ancestors began to move from one place to another they were forced to adapt to a different diet. The ingestion of new foods profoundly changed the digestive and immune systems. This allowed man not only to survive but also to thrive in the new habitat.

 These profound changes accompany the development of the different blood groups that seem to make their appearance in critical stages of evolution:

1 The ascent of human beings towards the top of the food chain (the evolution of the type o blood group is the most complete expression).
2. The transition from a diet based on hunting and gathering fruit and wild plants to a diet based on rudimentary agriculture (appearance of the type A blood group). 
3. The fusion of races and migrations from Africa to Europe, Asia and the Americas (type B blood group). 
4. The mixing of disparate groups (appearance of type AB blood group).

 Each of the blood groups embodies the genetic message linked to the diet and behavior of our ancestors. Despite having a long journey behind them, many characteristics still connect us to the first men who populated planet hearth.

There is a reaction between blood and food that's a part of our genetic background. It may seem surprising but, even though we are in the first part of the twenty-first century, the digestive and immune systems still retain a predilection for foods consumed by the blood group ancestors similar to ours.

The reason lies in proteins called lectins. The latter is particularly abundant in different foods and have agglutinating properties that are expressed in the blood.

When we eat a food containing lectins incompatible with our blood type, they settle in AN organ (kidneys, liver, brain, stomach, etc.) and start to agglutinate red blood cells in this space. 95 percent of the lectins we take with food is safely removed from the body. The remaining 5 percent, however, manages to reach the blood where it triggers a series of reactions that lead to the destruction of red and white blood cells. But they can also damage the walls of the stomach and intestines, triggering a violent inflammation of the mucous membranes that causes disorders similar to those of a food allergy.

The secret is to eliminate only the lectins that are incompatible with our blood group from the diet. Gluten, for example, that is the characteristic lectin of wheat and other cereals can be attached to the wall of the intestine causing painful inflammation: this reaction, however, occurs only in the presence of certain blood groups, especially that o.

However, it is important to note that the same lectins that damage a specific blood group do not activate in contact with the blood of another group: therefore it is not necessary to eliminate all the foods that contain them but only and exclusively avoid those that contain the known tolerated by one's blood group.

Based on the knowledge of the characteristics of the four blood groups, in the early 50s, the American doctor James D'Adamo theorizes the connection between the onset of some diseases and food intolerances.

His son, Peter D'Adamo, made his father's theory official in the 1980s and carried out studies and experiments that allowed him to identify the categories of foods that interact positively or negatively with individual groups.

 Subsequently, other scholars have constantly updated and improved the diet following new discoveries in the field of the use of food as the prevention of some diseases.

More than a diet (in the traditional sense), it is a diet: it is not necessary to calculate the calories nor to weigh the foods since losing weight is not the purpose but one of the effects of this new nutritional style. 

The diet consists of 3 classes of foods for every blood group:

1 "favorite foods", because they contain substances that favor the body's physiological processes; 
2. "neutral foods", that do not interfere with the body, neither fully nor negatively; 
3. 'foods to avoid", that with their characteristics can hurt the body.

Of course, each folk is exclusive and despite happiness to specific folks, we've degree utterly.
personal history, which could be characterized by diseases or intolerances that require a particular diet (eg, diabetes, celiac disease, etc.).

 In this case, it is important to integrate the indications of this diet with your dietary needs and eliminate any foods that are harmful to your health even though they are positive or neutral for the category to which they belong.

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